Serving the community for over 150 years!!!
Pictured left to right; Front Row: Tracy Moore, Richard Weers, Margie Watkins, Heather Reuter, Kaye Brown, Ashley McMahan, Jenny Hardin.
Back Row: Laura Schoepke, Ashley Allen, Alex Billups, Eva Cunningham, Carlie Gauwitz, Serina Stickel, Erin Olson, Debbie Rickey, Kirk Anderson.
Meet Our Team
Norman Nelson – Chairman
Richard Weers- Chief Executive Officer MLO #408839
Kirk Anderson – Executive Vice-President MLO #409178
Jenny Hardin – Senior Vice President/ Cashier
Serina Stickel- Vice President/Assistant Cashier
Eva Cunningham- Loan Officer MLO #1559580
Carlie Gauwitz - Loan Officer
Erin Olson – Receptionist
Ashley McMahan - Receptionist
Ashley Allen- Bookkeeper/Teller
Marge Watkins – Bookkeeper/Teller
Heather Reuter - Bookkeeper/Teller
Tracy Moore- Bookkeeper/Teller
Alex Billups - Teller
Laura Schoepke- Bookkeeper/Teller